Marketing Business Advertising Consultant

62 Glenview Crescent
London ON N5X 2P9
Mon - Fri 8.00 AM - 5:00 PM
Closed on Weekends



What a fascinating presentation you gave on Sunday, Paul, to the members and guests at our breakfast. Many people would have liked to hear more information on the whole realm of handling many of the new technologies, but certainly appreciated your hints on “getting with the times”.

As you could tell from the variety and eagerness of the questions that were asked, your points in the presentation touched all of us no matter what level of technology we are currently using . The startling statistical date was hard to fathom for many of us there – even though we know some basic background information about Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Also, you did a great job of telling and showing us all about the functions of your company, Search Engine People and how social media research is such a relevant factor for not only you company’s success, but also for the success of the general population. The congregation also commented on the scenarios you presented, your sense of humor, and how you answered all the questions with clarity and conciseness.

Thank you so very much Paul, for donating your honorarium back to the Church. It was a generous gesture and we thank you for your kindness. The members and the guests of Mount Zion Church were impressed, and we were happy to have you, Paul, as our guest!

Elsie K Farnham
Mount Zion Breakfast Club Team

As we head into our busiest time of year here in London, it is begrudgingly that we give up time for training days. This time however, I was impressed by the value derived, and felt that it was a day well spent. Paul is a natural teacher, which is probably one of the attributes that makes him a great sales rep.

Paul’s rep based, and customer focused approach was simple, realistic and instantly useable. It was information that I was able to easily take away and start using the next day. A positive energy was created from the peer to peer sharing of ideas, that is infrequent in our home based environment, and although I cannot attribute any specific new sales yet, I felt a boost of confidence in my presentation immediately.

Amy Muschik
Business Solutions Consultant

Hi Paul,

The most valuable take away in speaking with you was the excitement of breaking down simple numbers to show the real value of what our products can do. It not only gives me great
confidence to pitch the filler ad product we spoke about, but applying the same strategy to all of our products. It truly shows how little our customers need to achieve a great ROI from our products and that is what makes it exciting. It is simple strategy, but one we tend to lose focus of along the way.

I always keep an open mind when speaking with seasoned and successful sales reps, and I’m seeing a pattern here as success leaves a trail. The trail I’m finding in you and Garth are
a positive attitude and a huge level of confidence, which I now realize where it comes from and know I will benefit from it.
This was the approach I took today after speaking with you yesterday and I had a great day because of it. So thanks for getting me pumped up.

As I mentioned to you, I will be pitching the filler ad on Tuesday and I can’t wait. Our conversation instilled great confidence and excitement in me that I wanted to pick up the phone and pitch it to them right away.

I appreciate the tips and helping me get back on track.



Good Morning Paul!

To be honest, I don’t feel I have the experience to give constructive feedback from a Yellow Pages content point of view.
The perspective you offered is very usable and if I could just get a recording of your voice so I can use the professional, industry verbiage and then practice delivering it the way you do, that would be a huge bonus! 😉

I would believe that different elements of your presentation hit differently to all those who attended. From a new consultant standpoint, driving home the message of self confidence and our worth to a business was profound!

I can easily get lost in the numbers you deliver on return on investment, but that is just my “slow to pick up” nature. I would love to spend more time with you on this to get it cemented into my head better. I feel it is a crucial message to deliver to the client, also a weak point for me in my delivery.

The fact that you make it a more “real” training is important. Helping the reps build a strong foundation, resource the facts and deliver a strong message is how I see your benefit to the training.

Best of luck with your future attendees! 🙂


Dianne Flemington
Business Solutions Consultant

Good morning Rick, and David,

I just wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed our meeting with Paul Noad yesterday. I have had the pleasure of having him assist me in the past, spending a day in the field together. Paul’s message is always clear, positive, and helpful. The professionalism, knowledge, and experience he exudes is both inspiring and contagious.

I would like the opportunity to work one-on-one with him again this fall.
Thank you for providing the Windsor Signature reps with this wonderful opportunity.

Best regards,

Cecilia Minard
Business Solutions Consultant

Hi Paul,

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to travel to Windsor to meet with the Signature Sales team a while back. At the time I thought that the decision to take the majority of a full day while in the midst of the Windsor close was a poor one. Having said that, as it turned out, your frank comments and suggestions relating to the everyday dealings that we all face truly helped me to refocus at a time that it was probably most needed.

I really appreciated the fact that the forum was not a “canned” presentation. In my opinion this gathering of colleagues with a veteran at the helm allowed for very open discussions on a variety of topics. This type of interaction is greatly appreciated and, in my opinion, should be considered required in the future.

Now the real meat and potatoes. The following morning I presented and sold the full Gatefold in Windsor and Leamington. I can honestly say that the energy and inspiration came as a result of the discussions the day before.

Thanks again and good selling.

Jim Heyens
Business Solutions Consultant

Hello all,

I know you will find the discussions with Paul very fruitful. He is a very experienced and successful sales consultant…emphasis on consultant. He is multilevel member of President’s Gold Circle and a consistent top performer. He will open discussions with you about a number of topics that I am certain you will enjoy.

I would like to offer some feedback on the session with Paul on Tuesday, April 29.

Firstly, I would like to thank Paul for his time and agreeing to share his invaluable expertise.

I found it to be extremely helpful, positive and motivating.

I personally liked Paul’s ‘Down to Earth’ approach towards all aspects of the job which is why I feel a lot more comfortable understanding my canvass/assignment, corporate expectations/targets and customers.

He heightened my level of confidence tremendously by reminding me that I am part of a great company, an award winning company and a company that is No. 1 in the many ways that we are and how we as Business Solutions Consultants are helping our customers make money not spend money. Again his approach on ‘educating the customer’ vs ‘selling the customer is one of the biggest nuggets I brought away and is certainly one that I will attempt to use on every call.

The perspective he made me see my canvass from, by breaking down the number of accounts, total value of assignment and net gain target made me see and better understand that our goal is attainable!

The session was carried out a comfortable pace and he provided me with solutions and suggestions to all my questions.

It was truly an invaluable day with Paul and I welcome the opportunity to attend more of these in the future.

Thanks again Paul and also thanks to everyone that have been involved.

Have a great day!

Fiona Moniz
Business Solutions Consultant

I just have to thank everyone responsible for having Paul do the training with us. Since I am very new to the Signature team and still working out approaches, where, why’s and hows, Paul was a breath of fresh air. He used his experience to simplify the art of selling and servicing the client. He, with confidence, re-enforced who we are as a company and as Signature reps. He brought to the table, the common sense of ROI and business approaches of business to business communication. Paul used real examples of challenge to solution to overcome client objections.
I could go on and on about what I personally took for this day.
I believe we need more of these. It has put the excitement and confidence back into my step. I am now more prepared to embrace the needs of the client with always keeping the companies expectations in mind.

I have always loved working with YPG and now Paul has reaffirmed it.

Thank you

Sandra Goodhand
Business Solution Consultant

For the 6 years that I have been here at Yellow Pages I have marveled at your success each year as I sit in the audience at President’s Club.

Your session with us last Friday was an eye opener and an inspiration.

I will be honest with you in saying that my experience has been that other reps do not share information readily and I think that I why so many new people fail. When Joanne, Stephanie and myself were hired off the street 6 years ago we had a lot of experience between us and expected an atmosphere of sharing that we had at other companies. We learned quickly that was not the case at YPG and we had to rely on ourselves. We have tried to mentor new people into the group as best we can under difficult circumstances.

Having you share your story with us was great and I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to do this.


Kerry Langford
Business Solutions Consultant

Thanks for investing your time with us. The ROI (personally & corporately) from your investment will be immeasurable. The value of information shared is what we all need to hear

– confidence in our company, industry and the positive impact our position has on businesses
– reiteration of ROI and ensure that we are comparing apples to apples (not Yellow Pages with google)
– use the tools CMS, etc to prove additional value
– simplifying the overall approach to assignment management
– touching on consultative selling again and sharing your approach with your client base

I gained more in a day with you than a couple weeks in a classroom setting. Thanks.


Good Morning,
Paul and I recently had a meeting during the Christmas break. He was kind enough to share with me some ideas for my new Signature position in Hamilton.

I can say with certainty that his ability to educate, inspire, and motivate are beyond anything I have seen in the company in my 12 years of sales. A presentation to the sales force would be a significant benefit given his devotion to ROI for our customers and his confidence in Yellow Pages advertising opportunities.

Best regards,


Hi Paul,
Wow, what amazing feedback I got within minutes of my team getting into their cars to come home.Here’s are a few tidbits.

he enriched my ability to sell
loved it
Paul’s amazing
Memorable comments…We matter to customers
Don’t apologize for being YP’s
No matter what at the end of the call one of you gets sold …the client or yourself
Very interactive
Unbelievable belief in the power and value of our product
Believes you should make a video and sell it to all YP publishers
better than Fromholzer … Brian Tracey etc

I’m sure I’ll hear more as I talk to others on the team but I wanted you to know how you inspired some.

Paul…thank you from myself who will benefit from the time you spent with my team .. the timing was great with it being the start of K-W. Michelle missed today but would love to join another session if you are having one. let me know.


Hi Paul,

Thanks once again for the time spent with my team on Friday, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Many of the things that you talked about are already being put into practice as we speak….

Thanks for taking time out of what I know is a ridiculously hectic schedule, your time was much appreciated and absolutely gave tremendous value to my crew.

I also know you have asked for feedback and I will urge my team to provide that for you.

Thanks again!

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